jerry Paladino
jerry Paladino
The key to happiness in this life, as laid out in 2 scriptures, one from the Tanakh and one from the words of Jesus. Simple but effective... (Micah 6:8, Jn 13:17)
“RUNAWAY CHRISTIAN” - my story in a nutshell--and a song! 🌅
Dear friends,
I pray it's a meaningful season for you and your loved ones this year, and that you'll be able to feel and KNOW how loved you are...I guess that's the message of Christmas, isn't it?--That we were so loved God sent His Son to our world, and that whoever believes on Him will have everlasting life! Let's celebrate the occasion with those we can!
Love, Jerry
P.S. Here are direct links to it:
🎥 YouTube: https://bit.ly/3Fkvaf1 (complete album)
🎧Bandcamp (my music site) bit.ly/3FI1Qkn
🎧Spotify, AppleMusic, iTunes etc bit.ly/3uIBokd
🎥 YouTube Playlist (song by song): http://bit.ly/3VTWdFk
I had so many questions, but can’t deny that the moment I asked the right one and then opened up my heart, Jesus came in as promised and changed me forever. This song is about that.
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/he-changed-my-life
This has been my experience with Jesus of Nazareth, not unlike the experience of so many others I’m sure. Haven’t you found all of this to be true in your relationship with Him? If not, move in a little closer!
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/i-believe-in-you-2
We all have to do it sooner or later, and it doesn’t get easier with each instance. We can only be grateful that they’re eternal beings, we WILL see them again, and they are going to a wonderful situation/place, free from all pain and suffering. “We’ll see you in God’s time…”
I left the USA in 1972 and returned only recently in March 2020 (mid-COVID pre-election). After watching from a distance what went on here for 49 years, and now seeing things up close for 2 years, I have come to certain conclusions re: the political situation here, and where I stand on the ideological scale. “Ideologies (beliefs) have consequences” and it’s important for each of us to know what hill(s) we are willing to die on, and what we are ready to fight for in order to help our society function and even flourish…Here are some of mine, as of July 2022.
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/what-im-not-and-why
“The songs I sing, produce, and compose represent a portion of what I have learned and loved over the past half century”
I was born in California where I spent roughly the first 3rd of my existence. After a tumultuous adolescence, culminating in a partial participation in the Hippie movement, I turned the reins of my life over to Jesus at age 20 in 1972.
I left the US for South America shortly after to begin training in missionary work and sharing His teachings with my fellow terrestrials. Over the years I have fallen in love with the 3rd world, and learned a lot about the Latin world where I have lived and worked.
Later on to Asia: first to the Philippines for 4 years, and then Japan for 14, and then back to Latin America to complete a total of more than 25 years in Latin lands.
I currently reside in Mexico, and continue serving Jesus as best I know how there, often in a musical capacity, but always as a believer in Jesus and as one looking forward to His “kingdom come and will be done,” throughout the whole “earth as it is in Heaven.”
The songs I sing, produce, and compose represent a portion of what I have learned and loved over the past half century, and I presently look forward to continuing that process of learning, growing, and passing on what I deem worthy, to all who will listen. Welcome to my world, seen through the porthole of this website.
[The photo above is me with my lovely wife and mother of 11 children, with whom I have been enjoying my time on earth immensely, and with whom I look forward to many more years in His employ!]
Download my music free or for a donation of your choice
“GOD HAS SHOWN YOU” - (Micah 6:8, Jn 13:17) A simple song, but containing the key to happiness in this life, as laid out in 2 scriptures, one from the Tanakh and one from the words of Jesus. Simple but effective...easy reading, but hard to put into practice!!
“RUNAWAY CHRISTIAN” - my story in a nutshell--and a song! 🌅
A song from Psalms 1 and 16
Recently 2 dear friends passed away within a week of each other, people I had partnered with on different projects over the span of our lives. They will be missed... Many of us are in the age bracket where that is going to be a more and more common occurence, as we are much nearer to the end of our races than to the beginning…
I took time to reflect and had to thank God that they had SAFE PASSAGE from here to the Other Side, and that in spite of any tears also be glad they made it across the finish line, knowing where they were going and at least a bit of what awaits them according to what has been revealed to us. Those who were left behind will hurt the most at this stage naturally, but we do have the hope of seeing them again and picking up where we left off--I'm counting on it...
This is an oldie goldie I never got to record until very recently, just before someone's wedding at which I sang it & dedicated it to the bride & groom, young lovers. It's significant to me because of the circumstances: I was kinda 'on the bench' (out of the game!) for having incessantly been chasing after a wife, and had finally accepted maybe I needed to give that search a break & just relax and focus on other things...when 'bam', someone arrived in my life [literally, from another country) unexpectedly, and there was something different about her. This song was written within 24 hours of her arrival, and we were married within the year!--And had 5 wonderful children together!
We are told to love God above all things and keep Him in first place in our heart and lives if we want to have success in love and life…
It might seem a bit odd in this modern day and age, but I can say from experience that keeping things in that correct order makes sense.
Finding a person who feels the same is a treasure indeed: as Solomon said “Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [empty, because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!” I’m grateful that I got me one a’dem!!
🎧 https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/that-seems-crazy-lord
These are the kind of questions I was asking back in 1973 when I first started following Jesus of Nazareth, and the kinds of lessons I was learning at that time. I was looking around me at things going on, and had so much to ask, now that I knew the Answer Man. As a result, all I can say is:
Trust your questions to the One Who Sees the past, present and future and knows every outcome and the reasoning behind it all; that His ways are not my ways, that He knows best about everything, and that we should just trust him, no matter how crazy it seems at times.
We all want the very best for ourselves, and all the time if possible, right? But obviously we don’t always know what that is, or what’s REALLY best for us in the long run. We tend to go for what we see before us, especially when it looks inviting! This was a big lesson in my young life many years ago, and has continued ever since: learning to lot go of what I wanted, and put my choices in His hands—letting Him decide what’s best for me.
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/god-gives-the-very-best
I had so many questions, but can’t deny that the moment I asked the right one and then opened up my heart, Jesus came in as promised and changed me forever. This song is about that.
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/he-changed-my-life
This has been my experience with Jesus of Nazareth, not unlike the experience of so many others I’m sure. Haven’t you found all of this to be true in your relationship with Him? If not, move in a little closer!
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/i-believe-in-you-2
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/sleep-now-little-one
We all have to do it sooner or later, and it doesn’t get easier with each instance. We can only be grateful that they’re eternal beings, we WILL see them again, and they are going to a wonderful situation/place, free from all pain and suffering. “We’ll see you in God’s time…”
I left the USA in 1972 and returned only recently in March 2020 (mid-COVID pre-election). After watching from a distance what went on here for 49 years, and now seeing things up close for 2 years, I have come to certain conclusions re: the political situation here, and where I stand on the ideological scale. “Ideologies (beliefs) have consequences” and it’s important for each of us to know what hill(s) we are willing to die on, and what we are ready to fight for in order to help our society function and even flourish…Here are some of mine, as of July 2022.
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/what-im-not-and-why
✍️ The Story behind the song (why I wrote it): https://jerrypaladino.medium.com/the-story-behind-the-song-what-im-not-and-why-22b22068619c
🎧 audio: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/tomorrow-ill-be-stronger
So many of us have been passing through times of testing of varying severity lately, and comfort is not that easy to find. I’m reminded that in the midst of one of the toughest times I was to pass through in my life, one thought that helped me endure the moment was the thought that “one year from now this will all be over; I’ll be in another situation and this current difficulty will be resolved, or have morphed into something different, and I’ll no longer be in the midst of what I’m going through now…” That helped me escape the intense pressures of the moment…
This song encapsulates my hopes and dreams for our future on this planet….With so much going on around, i periodically have to retreat to a quiet place to read and re-focus on what’s ahead, where we’re heading, and what prophecy tells us awaits—what is seen by the eyes tends to be extremely disturbing.. The good news/bottom line? “Love WILL reign one day!” I wish I could say that it’s today, but a fair few things have to happen before we arrive at that station… But no matter how rough the journey gets, how desperate the situation becomes, there IS a Happy Ending foretold that will end current and future madness, and be the start of a wonderful new era that makes the struggle worth it all. Good times coming!
HAPPY EASTER everyone!! 💝 Here's a special package I prepared of 🎶SONGS AND VIDEOS🎥 regarding this important week we're starting.
COPY AND PASTER the links somewhere, and let's enjoy this historical week together!
MAKE TODAY YOUR MASTERPIECE-MEET WITH THE MASTER! Adapted from the poem by Ralph Spaulding Cushman Originally posted on https://tommyswindow.com/en/ https://tommyswindow.com/shows/met-god-morning/
A musical rendition of THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER from the words of Jesus of Nazareth /LA PARABOLA DEL SEMBRADOR en canción, de las palabras de Jesús de Nazaret
Do you feel close to God? I generally don’t, so I talked to Him about it.